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Students of SSAU took the whole podium of the all-Russian Olympiad on marketing


All-Russian Olympiad on marketing ended in late April with a resounding success of students from SSAU: six of the seven teams-the winners were under the flag of our illustrious University.

The space allocated to each team was determined by total points scored after two rounds of the Olympic games, said one of the organizers of this intellectual tournament, assistant Professor of Economic theory and Economics of AIC, economy faculty, E. G. Agalarov.

In the first qualifying round it was attended by 105 people from different higher educational institutions of Stavropol and Rostov region, including 67 students of SSAU. Only 7 teams passed with competitive tests and they started the 2nd round and continued to fight. E. G. Agalarov told that the tests were focused on the theoretical knowledge of students, and identified skills in using modern approaches in marketing activities. After all, the task of the Olympic Games is enhancing the level of readiness of future specialists to the solution of complex practical problems in the field of marketing.

Therefore, provision was made for homework on the theme: «promotion of the product (goods, services, ideas, project, and site)".

The participants in the form of presentation or video should have to propose promotion product (service) and to justify the proposed type of communication.

In the second round the participants demonstrated their knowledge, ability to work in a team, creativity. Mandatory requirement to perform creative tasks was using of non-standard methods of promotion, taking into account the principles of advertising and according to copyright laws.

The assignments were evaluated on parameters such as quality, new technologies, realism, creativity.

The competent jury summed up the results of homework and determined the winners. As a result, the team of SSAU won the first place, two - of second, two - of the third places. Another third place for the students of Institute of service sector and entrepreneurship of DSTU branch (Shakhty, Rostov region). Honorable mention - 4th place for the students of Agrarian Academy.

The Dean of Economic faculty Professor O. N. Kusakina made a welcoming speech to the participants who emphasized the role of marketing in the training for future specialists of economic profile.

"Holding such events contributes to the quality training of future specialists and bachelors, development of creative abilities of students, and identifying creatively gifted young people and forming personnel potential for industrial, administrative and entrepreneurial activities," said O.N.Kusakina.

According to the organizers, the tradition of holding similar events, undoubtedly, will promote strengthening contacts between higher educational institutions of the city, deeper development of training material on marketing, and will facilitate the development of creative initiative of students. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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