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Researches of young scientists of SSAU were nominated for the final stage of the All-Russian competition


At the end of stage II of the annual All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, which was held recently in Dagestan State Agricultural University named after M. Dzhambulatov (Makhachkala), two representatives of the Veterinary medicine faculty nominated for the final stage of the competition. This is research of the 3rd year student Kastarnova Elena, won in the category "Veterinary Medicine", as well as the work of post- graduate student of 2 year of training from Veterinary Medicine Faculty, SSAU Yatsyk Olesya, awarded 1 place in the category "Biological sciences".

Winners of the contest are post-graduates of 2 year of study of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy Veterinary Medicine faculty SSAU Kanibolotskaya Anastasia took 2nd place in the category "Veterinary science", as well as a student of 4 year Baydikov Kyril Faculty of Technology Management for 2nd place in the category "Animal husbandry".

In addition, an honorable 3rd place took Fonareva Elena (3rd year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine SSAU) Gvozdetskii Nicholay (3 years post-graduate student of the department of pharmacology and therapy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, SSAU) and Alexander Piskunov (student of 3 year of study of the Faculty of Technology Management).

27 applications from students, graduate students and young scientists of North Caucasus Federal District were filed for participation in the competition.

The authors of the best works were awarded with diplomas; all the participants were awarded diplomas and academic leaders - letters of thanks from the Rector of the Dagestan State University of Agriculture.

Following the second round winners will continue to fight in the third and final stage.

In addition, the winners of the contest are presented by Russian Ministry of Agriculture for the award for support of talented youth. "

Representatives of the University are also included in members of jury.

For example, V.A. Belyaev - Doctor of Veterinary, professor of pharmacology and therapy in the nominations "Veterinary Medicine" - for students and "Veterinary science" - for graduate students and young scientists.

A.N .Kvochko - Ph.D., professor, head of department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics - the nominations "Anihusbandry" - for students and "Biological sciences" - for graduate students and young scientists. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  22

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