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Students of SSAU learn details of wine etiquette in English


Interfaculty open action for wine etiquette has taken place at Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism within the Week of quality passing in SSAU.

Speakers in English have told students from faculty Agrobiology and land resources and faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism about rules of conducting diplomatic receptions, details of giving wine in case guests are seated in places, and in case of their free movement in the hall.

The questions of art of the using wines, the basic principles of their combination with different products and dishes, glasses of certain configurations for various drinks, and also about nuances of wine tasting we discussed at this event.

Coaches of training - the associate professor of Tourism and service department Karina Mikhaylova, the expert of restaurant business Vlad Horoshun and the assistant of Production and processing food from vegetable raw materials department Anna Nudnova perfectly - know these questions.

The received skills will be useful to participants of training in their further work at the field of service and tourism – a polyfunctional, demanded and perspective field of activity. The expert in the field of hospitality (сервисолог) – one of the most prestigious and demanded specialties in the world and Russian market of the 21st century.The organization of service support at the enterprise forms its positive image, causing desire of clients once again to visit this company.

Historically Stavropol Territory is considered one of the most interesting tourist regions of the country. The main objective of development of the sphere of tourism in Stavropol Krai is deduction and increase of competitiveness of a regional tourist complex in the conditions of sharply increased interregional competition for redistribution of guest streams. Development of tourism stimulates development of adjacent spheres of national economy, such as production of food, organic fruit and vegetables, meat and milk, and also preservation and revival of cultural traditions, national crafts. Our higher educational institution, being a conductor of innovative educational technologies, makes the essential contribution to development of economy of the region, training highly qualified specialists of tourism and service. For this purpose at Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism the unique interactive training presentation studios, one of which became the platform for "wine" training, are created.

Дата новости для фото:  28.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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