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«Development of biotechnologies will open broad prospects for agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol Territory»,- scientists of SSAU are convinced


For the first time scientists from four scientific and educational institutions of Stavropol Territory have held the joint regional scientific and practical conference devoted to biotechnologies of the future in medicine, pharmacy and food industry.

The results of two-day’s work have been summed up at plenary session which took place on April 28 on the basis of Veterinary medicine faculty of the Stavropol agrarian university.

"Now the conducting directions in world science are genomic selection and embryology, this vector is elected also by our scientists", - the Dean of faculties veterinary medicine and technological management SSAU V. S. Skripkin told. In simple terms, it means that scientists or interfere in structure of DNA and form a genome of animals with the set parameters on quality and amount of meat, wool, milk. Or receive embryos of super breeds with unique qualities and replant them to animals that without loss can be brought from process of reproduction for incubation. Thus, the elite cattle gives posterity several times a year.

Collaboration of scientists from the different organizations will allow complex collectives to apply for the powerful international grants demanding association of efforts of the leading minds of branch. "Strengthening of scientific cooperation of the scientific universities and organizations participating in conference will promote increase of productivity of the carried-out researches and the decision qualitatively new on the volume and complexity of scientific and technological tasks",- V. S. Skripkin emphasized. Members of conferences defined the possible directions for carrying out joint researches, including interindustry character.

Initiators of holding a forum were:

Stavropol state agrarian university,

All-Russian research institute of sheep breeding and goat breeding,

North Caucasian federal university,

Stavropol research anti-plague institute of Rospotrebnadzor. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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