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Graduation of design courses students passed in SSAU


The first graduation of students of additional professional training program "Design interior design" was at the Institute of additional vocational training

For four months, they have mastered the intricacies of design office and residential properties, learned to choose modern building and decorating materials, learn to work in specialized computer programs. Head of design projects was a professional interior designer O. V.Tolmacheva.

The final works were presented to the Attestation Commission, namely deputy director of IDPO, associate professor A.V. Pankratov, interior designer of ceramic store "Valencia" N.V. Shpakova and program manager of professional retraining "Design interior design" O.V. Tolmacheva. The works were judged with excellent mark.

It is interesting that the designs of the interior design of two-bedroom apartments have been made on the orders of concrete people.

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  13

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