A memorial meeting dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory of the multinational Soviet people over the fascist aggressors, held today in the courtyard at SSAU stele with the names of the dead students and teachers of high school.
More than 150 people have not returned to the university from the battlefields. The building of SSAU keeps the marks of the fall of the enemy bombs that destroyed the upper floors. The rector, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, member of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Stavropol Territory Labor Hero, Honorable Citizen of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev recalled about it opening ceremony.
The banner of the university and a copy of the Victory Banner at the granite lined area carried nominal scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, accompanied by fellow students awarded scholarship of the Governor of Stavropol Territory.
Heavy rain did not prevent the young people and staff to pay tribute to the veterans who defended Russia from the Nazi hordes, to honor the memory of the fallen heroes.
"Remember what the price has got to win our older generation. Do everything you can to make their life a little easier. It is impossible to do it differently", - admonished the rector.
He said that in the Museum of History of the University carefully collected materials, preserving the memory of the terrible years of war. Museum of military glory have also established at the Faculty of Technology Management.
"Report to the veterans must be kept by the business. And we have something to report, "- continued Vladimir Ivanovich. He said that he is preparing for the commissioning of a unique 11-storey dormitory of SSAU, where different conditions, equipped with all the necessary single and double rooms will accommodate 750 students. Nearby free parking with 12 video cameras 120 parking spaces for staff and students were set. The institution has successfully completed a quality week. In addition, this year is going to defend a significant number of doctoral and master's theses.
"Strengthen not only material but also intellectual base", - said the rector. He was glad for the winners of the competitions of professional skills across the North Caucasian Federal District, "Our students are now competing for the title of the best among the 54 agricultural universities of the country at a national level."
Three of our representatives won the federal stage of IV Intellectual games of young farmers "New Farmer". The university is well put sports training. Our teams were the best in football and basketball. These are good labor successes. We have something to be proud of.
On May 9th, many of us will be with pictures of their loved ones in the columns of "Immortal regiment." Driving around the holidays, give warmth to their relatives, neighbors, which scorched the war. We do not have other people's veterans. All veterans are our loved ones, "- concluded by V.I. Trukhachev.
Chairman of the regional Council of Veterans, the deputy of the regional Duma, honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory Aleksey Alekseevich Gonochenko warmly thanked the Rector for the consistent long-term care for the participants of the war, "his equal - no." He urged the students to SSAU among the first to join the Veterans Council declared shares at the graves of war veterans care, died in peacetime.
And AA Gonochenko, and chairman of the Veterans Council of Stavropol, a retired colonel Pyotr Ivanovich Kurolesov drew attention to the complexity and intensity of the current world situation. On attempting to revise history, played down or even wipe out the role of speaking, as a whole, the multinational people of our country to victory over the world evil - fascism. "Hitler suddenly concentrated on our borders 190 elite divisions and going to meet the New Year on Red Square, but in December the Germans suffered their first crushing defeat near Moscow. Then there were the Battle of Stalingrad, the liberation of Leningrad, Kursk and the flag of victory over Reichstag. Here and now, in the example of the events in Syria, our army has shown its readiness. Many people do not like it, but will have to reckon with Russia. And you - be worthy sons of their homeland ", - he said to students.
In 1941-45 326,000 Stavropol residents went to the front. Less than half of them returned home. Another 30 thousand lives have taken months of occupation.
Sons and daughters of the region fought on 46 fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 208 of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

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