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The student of SSAU Fedor Zavyalik will present Stavropol Territory at the Russian stage of the championship of working professions WorldSkills


At the All-Russian stage of working specialties championship competitions according to international standards of competence WorldSkills "Prototype production", the 3rd year student of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the employee of «Fablab« Vector » Fedor Zavyalik will present Stavropol Territory.

This prestigious right the talented student won in the regional stage of the championship, which was held in Stavropol on 28-29 April. Opponents of Fedor Zavyalik were four students from other universities and colleges of the Stavropol Territory and Stavropol.

However, the employee of «Fablab« Vector» has fulfilled all the tasks faster and more accurately, and was the only one who did the task with reverse-engineering.

Participants of the championship were tasked to create turbine housing. The work consisted of five modules. The kids had to demonstrate their skills in the preparation of design documentation, 3D-modeling, reverse engineering, and prototype assembly. Fedor Zavyalik did all the fastest and most correctly. The work of the six members of the jury assessed more than 150 criteria, they are awarded victory student SSAU.

Fedor received the diploma of the winner and the participant, as well as a valuable prize.

«Fablab «Vector» is a creative laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanization in Agriculture. It was established in 2014 to engage students and young people in technical creativity. The laboratory is equipped with the most modern equipment for 3D-prototyping, and has 3D-printers, 3D scanners, modern milling and laser machines. The resulting practice here enables graduates to acquire the most popular and prestigious professions of the future.

Дата новости для фото:  05.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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