Stavropol State Agrarian University became co-executor of large-scale international grant project Sarud, dedicated to the training of specialists in the field of sustainable development of rural areas and agriculture ", implemented within the framework of the European Union ERASMUS + program.
The project will last three years. He is the successor of the international project RUDECO «Professional training in the field of sustainable rural development and environment", in the implementation of which SSAU participated actively in 2010-2012.
At the moment the preservation of sustainable rural development, environmental balance of interests, the economy and social sphere - this is probably one of the most important tasks of any state. It is the foundation of the village and the breadwinner of any state. It is important not only to preserve the fertility of the soil, to create the rural economy, efficiency and environmental performance, but also provide people with normal conditions for the life and development, to the labor force does not flow into the city.
At the first meeting, which took place in April on the basis of the Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, the head of the department of ecology and Landscape Architecture Julia Mandra presented the results of the implementation of the project and the prospects of RUDECO in Stavropol developed by specialists of the module "Environmental regulation and environmental legislation in the rural areas" in the educational and scientific processes.
The scale and importance of the meeting in Omsk and the new project is supported by geography and the structure of its participants, members of the consortium co-executors of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and the European Union.
In particular, the implementation of the project together with SSAU, the University of Hohenheim (Germany), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic) will be involved.
The Russian side is represented by nine leading agricultural universities of the country, representatives of employers and stakeholders.
Partners from Kazakhstan for the first time were three major universities, which intend to implement the achievements Russian colleagues.

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