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The tree as a gift, chocolate, co working and a cafe are the terms of business creativity in the entrepreneurial ring


Quality Week at the Faculty of Economics at SSAU was completed by the entrepreneurial ring, which this year came three EF-teams and a team of Accounting and Finance Faculty.

This competition of business ideas becomes already traditional at the department of entrepreneurship and global economy. Opening it, Head of the Department Bannikova Natalia Vladimirovna underlined the importance of such interactive activities, contributing to the development of the necessary professional and creative skills in students.

Creatively presented business ideas of the teams concerned completely different areas and spheres of national economy. As a result, each team received a diploma of the first degree in four different categories.

The audience actively cheered for their teams and participated in the discussion of projects and videos of students, offered samples of goods and services.

So, in the nomination "The most creative business idea" the team with the project “Tree as a gift” won. In this project, the students offered a completely new service: a living tree instead of a bouquet of flowers as a gift to the memorable dates, for anniversaries and celebrations. Everybody can get a certificate that entitles you to plant the name tree in the territory of the park area of Stavropol. On the tree attached label with information about the customer. This idea turned out to be the most creative.

In the nomination "For the most reasonable business idea" won the strongest team with the project "Take a coffee with you". Students offered to open a popular cafe, where you can have a drink in pleasant surroundings of an exclusive coffee, taste the delicious desserts. And you can buy a coffee on the run, taking advantage of a window for passerby’s service. This project was presented with accurate and detailed calculations of costs and benefits.

In the nomination "The entrepreneurial spirit" The winner was the team with the project "Co-working cafe". In this project, students are pushing quite new but increasingly popular business idea, the co-working, i.e. providing equipped with all the necessary jobs for doing business that anyone can be rented for any period from 1 year to 1 day. In parallel, the students offered to open in close proximity to these offices fast food restaurant.

In the nomination "The most urgent business idea", the leadership was given to the team «V & A Chocolate Business", which proposed to make chocolate to order and at the same time experimenting with shapes, toppings, ingredients and flavors.

All winners were awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

The organizers and coordinators of the event were the teachers of the department of entrepreneurship and the global economy Kozel Irina Vasilievna, Baycherova Angelika Rashidovna, Sidorova Darya Vladimirovna.

Дата новости для фото:  06.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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