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SSAU students got excellent marks on Total Dictation-2016


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Rudomanova Valeria (Accounting and Finance Department), Shumara Tatiana and Anna Pichugina (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) became winners of the action "Total dictation - 2016".

«The winners can be considered as the most competent students of our university. The best gift for an educated person was and remains a book. We present them "Dictionary" of the legendary Russian language expert S. Ozhegov. We can confidently assert that the victory in this action - this is just the beginning of the victories in other areas», - Vice-rector for educational work I. Atanov said at the awarding ceremony of the literacy leaders. He wished the winners further growth and success in all endeavors.

SSAU the first time this year became the venue for an annual international educational action "Total dictation - 2016" and plans to take part in it every year. Everyone could take part in it.

Among the 185 participants there were students, pupils of schools of the regional center, intellectuals, civil servants, pensioners. The age of participants was from 13 to 65 years.

Author text of the children's writer Andrey Usachev, dedicated to the history of the Olympic Games, was read by Honored Artist of Russia, actor of Stavropol Academic Drama Theatre named after Lermontov Honorary Professor of Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Rostov. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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