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Scientific achievements of SSAU students were discussed at the international scale


Students of the Faculty of Technology Management took part in the International scientific-practical conference «Food. Ecology. Quality» (Krasnoyarsk, May 18, 2016).

Conference was organized by:

Siberian Research Institute of Technology and processing of agricultural products,
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University,
Siberian Federal Agri-Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Within the online conference, scientists discussed issues of quality, safety of agricultural products and raw materials for edible products.

The breakout session began with the report made by Vladislav Kotov, 4th year student, which presented the results of studies of qualitative and quantitative composition of free amino acids in the fermented milk drinks. Results obtained by performing studies will provide a fermented milk drink goat's milk, which has not only a pleasant taste characteristics, but also a high biological value.

The second report from Stavropol State Agrarian University introduced Tatiana Bagrintseva, 4th year student. She introduced an alternative technology developed semi-hard cheeses made from sheep's milk, as well as reported on the development trends of the direction for the preparation and processing of commercial sheep's milk in countries near and far abroad. Research was carried out under the direction of candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of production technology and processing of agricultural work T.V. Voblikova.

Participation in conferences of this magnitude gives future scientists invaluable experience in carrying out scientific research, which later becomes the basis for the preparation of their Master's and PhD dissertations. Discussion of the results presented in the circle of experienced researchers to determine the direction for further improvement of its scientific activities.

Research results are presented as the scientists of the Kazakh Research Institute of processing and food industry, Orenburg State Agrarian University, East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management, and several other organizations.

Дата новости для фото:  19.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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