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More than 150 certificates for getting 334 million rubles of state aid are handed over to farmers at SSAU


The Ministry of Agriculture of Stavropol region gathered at Stavropol State Agrarian University of more than 150 farmers to give them certificates for grants for many successful farmers of the region. This is not surprising. With a powerful material and intellectual base, SSAU prepares versatile professionals with specialized knowledge is not only a farmer or livestock, but also know how to develop a business plan, step by step to consider and implement all the processes that lead to success.

The ceremony for the winners of the competitive selection of participants in the departmental target programs "Support for beginning farmers in the Stavropol Territory in the years 2015-2017" and "Development of family livestock farms on the basis of farms in the Stavropol Territory 2015-2017" held by Minister of Agriculture of the region Vladimir Nikolaevich Sitnikov.

The ceremony was graced with vocal performance studio SSAU "Provence" (the head of Maxim Bukreev), which received the Grand Prix XXIV regional festival-contest "Student Spring Stavropol.

This year, in support of program participants beginning farmers in the province have become 149 farmers. Among them, dairy cattle will develop 42 people, cattle breeding - 58 sheep - 30, fishery - 1 vegetable - 9 berries - 2 people and engage in the cultivation of grain - 1. For the realization of these projects have been allocated budgetary funds amounting to 182 million rubles. In particular, 173 million rubles from the federal treasury and 9 million rubles of the regional co-financing.

Another 20 companies this year, the participants recognized the departmental target program "Development of family livestock farms on the basis of farms in the Stavropol Territory 2015-2017" providing them with grant support totaling 151.8 million rubles.

"Since 2012, as part of its development program received 534 farms: 448 beginning farmers and 86 family livestock farms. The aim of these projects is the development of small business in the agriculture of the region, improvement of material and technical base and infrastructure of the farmer economy, updating staffing in rural areas, including by attracting young professionals ", - said V. Sitnikov.

According to his speech, in just five years funding for this area amounted to 1 billion 228 million rubles and revenue from sales of agricultural products - nearly 1 billion rubles. Over the 4 years of the program farmers purchased 6,000 head of cattle and about 12,000 sheep. The total amount of tax deductions for enterprises that have received grant support is close to 50 million rubles. Over the years, it created 321 jobs.

In the current year, as Vladimir said, for the implementation of programs for beginners and family farmers may receive 462 million rubles from the budgets of the two levels.

To participate in the competitive selection for the program of beginning farmers in the Ministry of Agriculture of the region this time received 366 applications - this is the largest amount since 2012.

For the implementation of development programs of family livestock farms from the budgets of different levels this year allocated 280 million rubles. At present, there is the first stage of the competition.

The second stage of tender procedures will start on May 23rd. According to the results in middle of June, the funds will be sent to those facilities which fulfill all the necessary conditions for participation in the program.

Currently, this form of state is one of the most effective and popular among farmers in the region. The Government of Russia and the regions are good conditions for the development of animal husbandry. In a situation of sanctions and the need to import agriculture receives strong support from the state and has the potential to find a completely new growth point. I wish the participants fruitful work programs and successfully move forward. I am sure that the allocated funds will provide a powerful force for development of agriculture of Stavropol region ", - concluded his speech the Minister of the region.

Дата новости для фото:  20.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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