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The first certificates into the SSAU students’ portfolio


There were awarded certificates for 34 students completed their training on more comprehensive program "Topical problems of constitutional rights", developed by the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law Faculty of Economics at the Institute of Additional Professional Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Certificates were presented and addressed to students with warm parting words by Deputy Director of the Institute of additional professional education A.V. Pankratov. Classes were held by Doctor of Law, Professor and Honored Lawyer of Russia V.A. Cherepanov.

Students discussed deeply and thoroughly topical issues of formation of the government and the formation of federalism in our country, met with the organization and conduct of scientific research on the example of an empirical study of the problems of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to Professor V.A. Cherepanova the course was an attempt to create in students a kind of "legal stereoscopic glasses", forming the youth integral legal vision and enable the State to submit, as an integral three-dimensional structure, in which all elements are connected and interact with one another. The teacher tried to give the children a picture of the legal system of our state.

We wish success to students to use the acquired knowledge in practice, in the course of their future academic and professional activities.

Дата новости для фото:  26.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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