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Student of SSAU Dmitry Vecherka won all-Russian competition of students’ applications for business intelligence


The 4th year student of the Economic Faculty, "Information systems and technologies" speciality of Stavropol State Agrarian University Dmitry, Vecherka won first place in the All-Russian competition of students’ applications for business intelligence. (Supervisor and teacher of academic program Qliktech - associate professor P.A. Sahnyuk). Dmitry was ahead representatives of MSTU n. a. Bauman and the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of REU n. a. G.V. Plekhanov and he won the main prize - Beats headphones and a prestigious internship in a large company Sunlight.

The software is developed by Dmitry, it allows you to explore and analyze the effectiveness of the departments and organizations of any business - from the hotel, commercial building, or to oil and gas one.

The official award ceremony was held recently in the NRU Higher School of Economics.

This year the competition was attended by three students of the Economic Faculty of SSAU. They all went to the finals, becoming its laureates. In the contest finals 26 participants out of 300 applications filed by students of technical and economic universities of Russia from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Samara and other cities. Last year, a student of Agricultural University Yulia Namgirova ranked third.

Joint competition of student applications "ATK QlikView Olympics in 2016" for the third time held leader in business intelligence company Qlik for end users and its largest partner in Russia - Consulting Group ATK. Winners and winners determined a jury of experts in business intelligence companies ATK Consulting Group, Qlik, Gazpromneft, VTB Insurance, SUNLIGHT, FixPrice and Luding.

Details about the contest can be found on the website of the company ATK http://solutions.atkcg.ru/news/final-atk-qv-olympics/ and website http://contest.atkcg.ru/ competition

Дата новости для фото:  26.05.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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