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Closing ceremony of the "growth trajectory" was a parade of ideas and achievements of student activists of the Agrarian University

Closing ceremony of the "growth trajectory" was a parade of ideas and achievements of student activists of the Agrarian University

Today held a grand closing ceremony of student activists school "The trajectory of growth" in the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Twelve teams presented their creative, artistic, original projects for implementation in the next semester to the rector of the university - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Region, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of Stavropol Region, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev and the Commission of the responsible employees and guests of the University. Each of the ideas were heard with interest and approved by "the most titled rector of the country", Vladimir Ivanovich joked. But in every joke, as we know, there is only a fraction of jokes. And honors - recognition and reward for the hard and effective creative activity, to which the Rector always encourages young people.

"Your initiative and our support, and we will all succeed! In our university there are many things that others do not. These are for example the best in the Stavropol Region sports facilities in enclosed spaces, our sports and street workout area, our sports equipment from the best firms who supply the same to the world competitions and tournaments. We are open and we live in an open space. We need to study and take, to implement all new and advanced, that is in our and other countries ", - admonished V.I. Trukhachev the initiative, responsible young men and women in their celebration, which took place today, at the end of two semesters of public activities and three days of seminars and trainings held the other day in the camp "Lesnaya Polyana". A more detailed story and a photo report about the event is being prepared for publication. 

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