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The second class of students of the International MBA program in Agribusiness has graduated from the SSAU


Managers and practitioners working in the field of agriculture, teachers and graduate students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University have completed training in the international program "Master of Business Administration (MBA) in agribusiness" in the Stavropol State Agrarian University and successfully defended their diploma projects on various aspects of the production processes control in the agricultural sector of the country and the region.

The Chairman of the Commission for final research paper defence, Dr. Hayman Johannes Wilhelmus Maria, Professor from Wageningen University, (Dutch), praised content and quality of the graduate students’ works of the international program "MBA in agribusiness". Students will receive international certificates which confirm the award an MBA degree.

Besides Dr. Hayman (Netherlands) lectures for the students were delivered by other professors of the European universities. Among them, an expert on lean manufacturing Andrey Gurinov (Latvia), marketing and planning was read by Buydosho Zoltan (Hungary), financial analysis - Hagen Istvan (Hungary), management in agribusiness - Robert Magda (Hungary). Lectures to the audience were read by the Dean of the Economics Faculty of SSAU, Professor O. Kusakina; Head of Management Department, Professor A.N. Baydakov, business and the world economy- Professor N.V. Bannikova and other teachers of agrarian university.
Training process was organized by the staff of the Advanced Training Faculty of Additional Professional Education Institute, Department of International Relations, Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication of SSAU. Teachers of Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication carried out translation of the Dutch specialists’ lectures and all necessary documents.
The second class of students of the International MBA program "Master of Business Administration in Agribusiness" graduated from the SSAU on June 3, 2016. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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