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Rector SSAU: All university programs must meet the highest world achievements in training and education (VIDEO)

Rector SSAU: All university programs must meet the highest world achievements in training and education (VIDEO)

Stavropol State Agrarian University is among the best in Russia.
As we have already reported, SSAU entered the top 100 institutions of higher education of the country and is the 85th on the list. It is the only university in the North Caucasus Federal District and the only agricultural university, which hit the coveted hundred. The annual ranking is made by a prestigious agency (Expert RA). Agrarian University also took second place in the all-Russian project "The best educational programs of innovative Russia".

Three-quarters of the programs taught in high the university, meet the highest Russian and international standards of education.

However, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, member of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Labor Hero of Stavropolia, honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory,Vladimir Trukhachev, told reporters of Stavropol regional television that he set a goal for the university staff to bring all university programs in line with the highest world achievements of educational activities.

"I am grateful to the staff, students, graduate students and undergraduates for these high rates. But we need to improve and to reach one hundred percent compliance with the highest world achievements in training and education", - said V. Trukhachev.

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