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Active students of Agricultural University have defended 12 interesting projects that let students have a lovely time and be creative “from session to session”


During the work of a School of active students " Growth path " of Agricultural University twelve teams have come up with creative and social projects for implementation in the next term. They defended their projects in front of a competent jury headed by the rector of the university - a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor Staropolia, honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

"Your initiative and our support, and you will get good results! There are many things in our university that others do not have. We are open and we live in an open space. We must study and implement everything new and advanced, from our country and abroad", - admonished V.I. Trukhachev initiative, responsible boys and girls

The following projects will help us live a funny and creatively "from session to session”:

"Talent-Show", gives the "green light" to the non-mass forms of art such as rock music, sand painting, demonstrating tricks and unusual flexibility of the body.

Marble-crystal hall of the main building is going to be an exhibition hall with a regularly updated exposition for the amateur, but very talented artists of the university; and a winter garden will be a hall with a palace interior for costumed Christmas balls.

Intellectuals will receive a developmental competition game "Expand horizons", which offers a series of visual images to compare and find something in common.

"Ropes Course" will get to know better the culture, including culinary, people of the world and find friends of different nationalities.

After all, "Poor man when he is alone", - stressed the young actors of the new theater-studio "Reincarnation", which is yet to appear in the university.

Two dancing and two safety life project were also declared and approved. One of them moves into the walls of the university familiar to many students military-patriotic game "Summer Lightning", the other project involves collaboration with the Disaster Medicine Center for in training for the first aid techniques. The sad statistics of the "golden hour": in accidents about 70 percent of victims who don’t receive medical care within the first hour after the accident don’t survive.

Tourism enthusiasts will organize the weekend tours for those who are fond of tourism, and sport amateurs will receive open lessons of sportsmanship in different kinds of sports from professionals.

It was proposed to reward leaders in various areas of students’ life of the Stavropol Agricultural University by the prize "Breakthrough" in five categories during the annual gala concert "Placer talents."

"Every breakthrough must be followed by a good result", - commented the rector V.I.Trukhachev. He welcomed the desire of young people to have a healthy lifestyle, and proposed to use a granite site in the courtyard of the university as a dance floor, and he proposed to cover the entire University by the project “First aid techniques”: "These methods must know everyone without exception."

After the presentation of the projects, the rector V.I.Truhachёv presented deserved rewards to the team leaders.

As leaders were recognized: Daria Kornilova, Ilya Cherny and Catherine Patsyuchenko (Faculty of Economics), Daria Zelimhanova and Alina Dutova (Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism), Inna Kulieva, Yana Nikonova and Anastasia Osachenko (Accounting and Finance Faculty; Maxim Anuprienko (Mechanization of agriculture); and Nikolai Ohashev ((Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture).

David Verdiyan was recognized as the best curator (Department of Economics), the best organizer - Sergey Begiaryan (Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture).

The award for the best photo in social networks was received by Anastasia Trofimova (Accounting and Finance Faculty).

Medal «Glory and pride of the University" awarded 18 SSAU activists. They are:

Sergei Khojayan (Faculty Agrobiology and Land Resources);

Ekaterina Averina, Daria Bukacheva, David Verdiyan, Vassa Germanova, Alexander Konyzhova Ali Murtazaliyev Olesya Nazarenko, Catherine Igorevna Shchetinina and Catherine Nikilaevna Shchetinina (Faculty of Economics);

Veronica Belousova (Faculty of Technological Management);

Anastasia Vysokopoyasnaya (Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism);

Sergey Zorik ((Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture);

Maria Malysheva (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine);

Mansour Khalid Vadim Shpak (Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture);

Valentina Dvoretskaya and Igor Karnaukhov (Accounting and Finance Faculty);

We glorify the activists who spare no pains for social activities.

Recall that in late May in the camp "Lesnaya Polyana" young leaders of Stavropol State Agrarian University within the framework of School of active students "Growth trajectory" during three days immersed in seminars, trainings, workshops with trainers - experts of Students ‘ Trainers Association, Yelena Sonina and Sergey Shaforostov.

The main objective of the educational program is to train students for organizing events and developing their own projects.

Дата новости для фото:  06.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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