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Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of SSAU explained the subtleties of the budget to people best of all and passed to the second stage of the competition


The winners of the first stage of the competition in presenting budget projects to the citizens become 4th year students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance from Agricultural University, the profile "Finance and Credit" Kopylova EP. and Sotnikova Y.D . Their project "Budget for citizens" was recognized as one of the best in the category "Budget: how much I pay and how much I earn?"

Competition in presenting budget projects to the citizens was conducted from April to June 2016. The results have been announced recently at a meeting of the competition committee, chaired by the Deputy of Budget Minister of Stavropol Territory Y.S. Yagubova.

Based on the results of the first stage Kopylova E.P. and Sotnikova Y.D. are invited to participate in the second round of the competition, held by the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University affiliated to the Government of the Russian Federation."

The Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory L.A. Kalinchenko noted a high level and quality of projects submitted.

The information is prepared using the materials from the site of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory.

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