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Scientists of SSAU propose individual quality monitoring of milk and cattle health


First in Russia veterinary services of the Stavropol Territory outlined to introduce individual health monitoring of cattle and the quality of raw milk.

The feasibility of such an approach is recognized at a meeting on improving the quality of raw milk and biosafety and prospects of cooperation of veterinary services of the Stavropol Territory with professionals from the Control Center for Highly Productive Genetic Livestock Resources of Stavropol State Agrarian University, which was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management.

"For the first time in Russia the quality and safety of biological materials will be determined on individual samples of raw milk taken from each cow by experts of control-assistant services of our center, who work in six breeding farms of the Stavropol Territory. Currently, from the total amount of milk produced one average sample is taken. It does not allow experts assess individually every animal's health and quality indicators obtained from the milk, "- said Professor of the Department of Small Animal Science, Selection and Breeding of Animals of SSAU, managing director of the Control Center for Highly Productive Genetic Livestock Resources, Sergey Oleynik.

The meeting also was attended by head of the Veterinary of the Stavropol Territory, Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Stavropol Territory, Alexander Tregubov; head of the State Budget Institution of the Stavropol Territory "Stavropol Regional Veterinary Laboratory" Nikolay Malakhov; Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management V.S. Skripkin; Professor of Animal Nutrition and General Biology Department of, N. Z. Zlydnev as well as specialists of the above-noted subdivisions. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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