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Dear friends! I warmly congratulate you on the Russia Day!


This day symbolizes the emergence of the new Russian statehood and takes a special place among the festivals of contemporary Russia.

The Russia Day unites all people who are proud of a long history, a rich spiritual and cultural heritage of the Motherland, share responsibility for a present day and the future of the country, work in the name of Russia, increasing its glory and power. This date is yet another reason to think about the present and the future of our Homeland, about what we had already done, and what we, the citizens of multiethnic country, must do in future for strengthening its power and development.

The whole history of the Russian State shows that its main asset - its people. The success of the country is the success of millions of people, each of which contributes to its development.

That is why The Russia Day is a holiday for all of us; it's an opportunity to feel like one nation filled with national pride.

We must know and always remember that the Russians have a shared historical destiny and a shared future, and it does not depend on social status, nationality and religion. Only together we can overcome any severity, secure the future of the entire multinational country and the region, make so that Russia will become more strong and flourished. In the unity is strength and invincibility of our Motherland!

Tradition of youth education inspired by tolerance and friendly relations are saved and got new development in the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The stronger is mutual understanding of young Russians, the more powerful is Russia!

I sincerely wish you good health, good luck, self-confidence. Be proud of living in the great Russian land, which has a great history! I wish you peace, good, well-being!

Yours faithfully,

Rector of Stavropol State Agricultural University,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,

Deputy of the Stavropol Territory State Duma

Hero of Labor of the Stavropol Territory,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory V.I. Trukhachev

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