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Project of SSAU Postgraduate student “Internet of vegetables” promises huge benefits for vegetable growing in Stavropol Territory


The project “Internet of vegetables” of SSAU Postgraduate student Ivan Chuksin went into the semi-finals of “Skolkovo” innovation center competition., The company, implementing it, has received the status of Skolkovo participant, and a month later will be a full-fledged resident, enjoying all the relevant benefits and bonuses. This was reported on the results of the largest Eastern European conference for technology entrepreneurs – Startup Village 2016.

It was attended by more than 700 investors and 2,000 start-ups from 20 countries. In addition to traditional areas of Skolkovo (IT-technology, energy-efficient, space, nuclear and biological) in the program of large-scale event was a new track - agricultural technologies.

Today, the village needs managers and programmers - says postgraduate student of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the author of “Internet of vegetables” project Ivan Chuksin.


In fact, he graduated from this university in 2007, the Faculty of Economics. Then he went to St. Petersburg and there gained deepened knowledge in Financial and Economic University. At the department of money and securities he wrote a thesis on the placement of the enterprises on the stock markets. However, the global crisis of 2008 did not inspire the domestic enterprises to enter the stock market at the time of his fall. And the topic of dissertation was irrelevant. - By the time I little understood in economics, sociology, and philosophy. That is to say that was invented by people, - says Ivan Chuksin. - And I wanted to understand the natural-scientific knowledge of the world that has created nature.

In 2012 he enrolled SSAU, and he is writing his thesis on the subject “of biotechnology in crop production”. In the Stavropol University he was given a small room, where a young man makes a big project. The room has a canvas tent, but not the same as for tourists. Special. And it is called “vegetal experimental laboratory”. Inside is a bit like a space station on board growing different plants. The similarity with the ISS give thick goffered silver pipes entangles a mini-lab, like the tentacles of a giant squid. “Silver” is the “wall”, the small colour light bulbs and fluorescent light directed on the leaves, stems, and flowers growing in a rectangular containers.

In the basic “mini greenhouse”-installation fall down long roots in aeroponics potato - this technology, when the main absorbent system plant is in the air and it is supplied with a nutrient mist. Because of this plants get the maximum of oxygen, nutrients, and are constantly in a wet environment.

Potatoes are obtained by micro cloning and taken from tubes, recovery and virus-free. For three or four months to grow the roots of potato micro tubers is a seed material. And Russian farmers tend to buy it abroad. Expensive.

Therefore, the creation of own seed by micro propagation cloning allow domestic agriculture to improve the quality and productivity of the absolutely other money. Getting a “good” will be engaged in potato crop has five experimental laboratories-tents that Ivan Chuksin going to place in the agricultural colleges in different parts of the Stavropol Territory. Laboratory almost ready, it remains to equip their schools and by September to start the educational process.

One of the components of the project is the cultivation of vegetables in the aeroponics.

However, the main crop in the mats containers will be grown hydroponically cucumbers and tomatoes, on the shelves - and Ruccola salad. It seems to be nothing unusual, but it is at first glance. Most importantly, in the "tents" will install sensors that measure soil moisture, temperature, salt content in the nutrient solution. Sensors according to the idea, is connected to the controller or a mini-computer that receives the data and sends the information via the SIM card on any mobile device, for example, to Ivan Chuksin. And he, for example, once again, checks on his smart phone the whole system, dial the number and say, “Hello! Georgievsky College, you have there a low level solution. Add to normal! ".

There is a big plus that students will learn to practice new technologies and innovations to replicate on the village. The colleges will educate competent specialists for greenhouses in Stavropol Territory, which today demanded in the province. Farmers also will be able to build and use aeroponic plant grows seed potatoes. Actually, it is a global project “Internet of vegetables”.

WEB- lifesaver

Another component of the project is a web-based platform. The site will contain information about the agricultural producers, whether big or small farm or a farmer. Where it is what grows and how much? It is necessary for potential buyers. Developers of a special "online vegetable" project computer program data already collected. And that's what made the curious observation. Ivan Chuksin told that in the past year, in order to understand the principles and mechanisms of the sale-purchase of plant varieties, travelled with dealers around the region:

— Neftekumsk area: channel, a lot of sun and along the canal villages, where people are engaged in tomatoes. One farmer said that cultivates five hectares of tomatoes. But last year, one of his friends asked for the order to “do” round fruit. The farmer has fulfilled the request, but the friend of a vanished - no hearing, no spirit. And had to leave the crop in the field, could not sell.

Can you imagine!? Tomatoes are rotting ... As it turned out from the conversations with the villagers, they grow vegetables on 20 hectares, but potentially the can two hundred. By the way, on the Internet about these agricultural producers there is no information. Yes, and I learned about it by accident - asked at a gas station.

Problem? And then! And here the whole year Ivan Chuksin with fellow like-minded team led by the Director of “Vegetable Growers Partnership in Stavropol Territory” Vladimir Tselovalnikov collected data on farms, as they say in the manual mode and systematized the information obtained.

Ivan explains that the site architecture is created in such a way that a user with minimal skills can freely distribute the information. He pressed a button to “sell”, but it offers the computer account. Well, please! Full name. Then the farmer receives a personal account (“counter”) on the resource and password to login. On his page writing the name of the village where he lives and manufactures products, e-mail, and phone. And, of course, indicates that sells, in what quantity and how much. There will also be photos of turnip and put cucumbers and even their video from the front profile, to be creative for a full and colourful description of the process of production and products.

But in reality, in order to implement the project in the form of how it is understood by the developers (with an extensive database, ratings, reviews and other indispensable attributes of Internet resources), you need at least four years. Initially, the site will work for the Stavropol Territory, and in the next stage of development - for the North Caucasus Federal District and only later - for the whole of Russia. The purpose of the web site - increasing agricultural sales channels and, as a consequence, an increase in the volume of its production.

Author: Igor Ilinov,

Photo by the author

The newspaper “Stavropolskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti” № 23 (3600) 15.06.2016

From «MASHUK»…

The project is embodied on the grant money and federal funds. It all began in 2015 when a team of Ivan Chuksin took part in the youth projects contest All-Caucasian Youth Forum “Mashuk”. Equipment Project colleges equipment with the possibility of progressive crop “Vegetables Internet” Remote Control was presented “Non-Profit Partnership vegetable growers in Stavropol Territory”. And among non-profit organizations scored more points, for which he was awarded a grant in the two and a half million roubles.

— Today, the village is in dire need of good managers and IT specialists, - said Ivan Chuksin. - It is necessary to raise the agricultural activity on a global level. For now, appliances and electronics in the foreground: the drones even fields watered. I'm not talking about the cultivation of crops with the help of satellites, when a special computer program aims to agricultural producers informed each "breath" of plants, precision fertilizer application and so on. All this is in many countries, but it should be with us.

Ivan Chuksin is right. Here's the proof. A few days ago for the first time in Tatarstan in the field came to work unmanned tractor, equipped with a computer vision system. Competitive advantages of the machine are that it can steadily work in poor visibility conditions, including night time. On a tractor fitted: hardware and software systems, the camera acquire images in Full HD, navigation and inertial sensors GLONASS and GPS, the computing unit. What, huh? Tractor-drone! And not just anywhere, but in Russia. And most importantly – “actuated” by domestic designers.


The project “Internet of vegetables” has serious supporters and helpers: “Non-Profit Partnership of vegetable growers in Stavropol Territory” and the Stavropol State Agrarian University. But not only has this given us confidence that the project will be fully and comprehensively implemented.

Ivan Chursin has just returned from Moscow. There Innovation center “Skolkovo” held the largest Eastern European conference for technology entrepreneurs - Startup Village 2016. It was attended by more than 700 investors and 2,000 start-ups from 20 countries. In addition to traditional areas of Skolkovo (IT-technology, energy-efficient, space, nuclear and biological) in the program of large-scale event, a new track - agricultural technologies.

So, in Skolkovo “Internet of vegetables” project took place in the semi-finals! This is a significant achievement against the background of very strong contenders mass representation. Even cooler is that the company is directly involved in this project, acquired the status of Skolkovo participant, and a month later will be a full-fledged resident of enjoying all the relevant benefits and bonuses. So, having such strong support, “Internet of vegetables” project will certainly bring great benefits.

Дата новости для фото:  20.06.2016
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