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SSAU Library invites to the exhibition of works of Professor I.V.Kapustin


In the Centre of information and library resources of Stavropol State Agrarian University Library (Room 86) opened the exhibition “Scientific works of professor, candidate of technical sciences Ivan Kapustin”. The exposition is presented in the framework of the project “Promotion of publication activities of leading scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University”.

Ivan Kapustin is a professor of Machinery and Agribusiness Technology Department of Mechanization in Agriculture Faculty, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, and the author of over than 200 scientific and educational works. His teaching experience in high school is 41 year.

In the database of scientific publications of Russian scientists RISC 106 scientific publications of the scientist are placed, the number of the author’s publications citations is 902, Hirsch index is 19. International abstracts database «Scopus» posted 2 articles of I.V. Kapustin.

The exhibition presents the scientific, educational and methodical works, journal publications, copyright certificates, and patents of the scientist.

An electronic version of the exhibition can be found on the website of the Scientific Library.

Дата новости для фото:  21.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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