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Professional retraining of secondary specialized educational institutions teachers was held in the workplace, thanks to SSAU


Teachers of 11 technical schools and colleges of Stavropol Territory, as well as of the Institute of Friendship of Caucasus Peoples have completed retraining in Stavropol State Agrarian University for additional professional retraining program “Pedagogy and Psychology in the activities of secondary specializededucational institutions: teaching methodology and implementation of FSES SEI, additional education programs”.

A four-month program was developed by teachers of the department of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of SSAU: by the Head of the Department, Professor S.I. Tarasova, a senior teacher L.V. Annikova. The staff was conducted the retraining of students.

Its highlight was that the classes were organized “in the workplace” of students. University professors travelled to secondary specializedinstitutions of Stavropol Territory, where they delivered lectures and conducted seminars and workshops. Part of the educational materials students mastered remotely.

The implementation of retraining program proved to be possible only because of cooperation of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology lecturers and Institute of Additional Professional Education of SSAU. Their organizational work has allowed teachers of secondary vocational schools to obtain the necessary knowledge.

As a result, 234 students passed the final interdisciplinary examination. The Commission of Agrarian University Vice-Rector for additional education O.M. Lisova, Deputy Director of the Institute of additional professional education A.V. Pankratov, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology S.I. Tarasova and Professor T.N. Dukhina assessed the knowledge of program graduates only on the good and excellent. Average graduates points were 4.4.

Let us remind that from 1 July 2016 the Russian Federation new professional standards shall come into force. They are normalized the level of knowledge and skills that are necessary to representatives of the various activities.

One such professional standards defines the requirements for teachers of secondary vocational and higher educational institutions. In particular, it is established that they have to have pedagogical education. The teachers of technical schools and colleges who have completed higher or secondary vocational schools, new competencies can be learned through training by further retraining program.

Diplomas of vocational retraining will be awarded on the eleventh of July.

Дата новости для фото:  22.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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