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Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation reaffirmed the right of educational activity conducting


Dear applicants, students, and parents!

From 20 to 23 June 2016 Stavropol State Agrarian University has successfully passed through the planned site audit of Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation.

According to the certificate of audit of Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation from 23.06.2016 №270/L/Z/K during the federal government control of the education quality there had not been identified inconsistencies of federal state standards for state-accredited educational programs of higher education in the areas of training:

· 38.03.01 Economics (Bachelor level)

· 38.03.02 Management (Bachelor level)

· 38.03.04 State and Municipal Management (Bachelor level)

· 43.03.01 Service (Bachelor level)

· 43.03.02 Tourism (Bachelor level)

· 38.06.01 Economics (Master level)

· 38.04.02 Management (Master level)

· 38.04.08 Finance and Credit (Master level)

· 38.05.01 Economic Security (qualification (degree) “specialist”)

· 38.06.01 Economics (level of training of highly qualified personnel).

Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation reaffirmed the right of conducting educational activities on educational programs “Economics”, “Management”, “State and Municipal Management”, “Economic Security”, “Tourism”, ‘Service”.

Dear applicants, Stavropol State Agrarian University guarantees the quality of education in all educational programs implemented at the university!

We invite you to become students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The University, which will make it possible to implement ambitious aspirations, will inspire new dreams; give confidence in the personal and professional qualities!

So do not waste your time and remember that the university life will dominate in the next few years of your life. And on how you choose the right university for admission will depend your career and personal growth, and future quality of life in general.

We look forward to seeing you and hope that your choice will be correct!

Rector of

FSBEI HE Stavropol State

Agricultural University,

Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor

Doctor of Economics, Professor,

Corresponding Member of

the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Honored Scientist of Russia,

V.I. Trukhachev 

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