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Academician of RAS, Professor Andrey Georgievich Hramtsov became an honorary professor of SSAU


The title of Honorary Professor of Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded the RAS Academician, Professor Andrey Georgievich Hramtsov today on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist of world renown. Honor scarlet mantle and cap wore the academic anniversarian SSAU rector, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Duma deputy and honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory, Labor Hero of Stavropol Territory Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

In his speech he stressed that Andrey Georgievich more than half a century devoted to the research and practical work in the dairy industry. His innovations for milk processing are used not the first year in the world. Cheese made according to his, supplied not only for sailors on the nuclear submarines of the Far East, but even on the table of the Queen of Great Britain. On different continents the production technologies developed by Hramtsov are introduced. Whey with lighter taste is produced in Argentina, India, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Belarus, and Ukraine.

Way of Stavropol academic in science at the moment is noted by about fifteen hundred scientific papers, 90 patents for inventions. Professor Hramtsov founded scientific school “Living Systems”, was incorporated into the 150 approved by the President of the Russian Federation schools of federal significance. Among his numerous awards Prize of the Russian Government in the field of science and technology for the development of technologies supporting health products and a new generation of drinks is. Name of Andrey Georgievich is included in the list of nominees for the directory “Outstanding scientists of the world of Cambridge International Biographical Centre”. But his main achievement the professor himself considers students, including 11 doctors and 47 candidates of sciences. Now they themselves are renowned scientists and continue the work of the teacher in the field of low-waste technology and intensive processing of precious raw milk. Hramtsov substantiated the path of modernization of dairy business on the principles of complete production cycle.

Celebration in honor of the jubilee was held in SKFU.

To the jubilee A.G. Hramtsov was also devoted VI International scientific-practical conference “Recent advances in biotechnology. Innovations of food and processing industry”, which brought together in Stavropol dozens of scientists of the country and of the whole world. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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