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In the battle of of vocal studio of agrarian university won the singers of "Provans"


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University one of new projects of the year "Battle of Studies" ended.

The best singers of the university were represented by four vocal studio "Jois", "Anfas", "Provans" and "Ritm". They throughout the school year pleased spectators by performances in various categories.

The grand total was summed up at the final concert at the end of June, when the night sky over the open university concert platform was blown by diverse sounds of music.

The winner was the vocal studio "Provans" (the head Maxim Boukreev). It is worth noting the growth of guys, because in the teams had a lot of young singers. Within a few steps, they honed their vocal skills and stage competing with each other in various categories: hip-hop, jazz, songs of the '80s and' 90s, soundtracks and military-patriotic songs, etc.

All participants were awarded with prizes from the Center of aesthetic education of SSAU students and partners (quests "Eureka" and "IQuest").

Many thanks to all participants and leaders of vocal studios (Ashot Musayelyan, Anna Zakharova, Maxim and Maxim Babin Boukreev) for their work. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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