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Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you with the Day of Russian youth!


This day has a special place among the festivals of modern Russia. Exactly you, today's applicants, students, graduate students, young entrepreneurs and scientists entering adulthood soon will determine the way of Russia's development.

Adolescence is not only beautiful period of everybody’s life, but also a special state of mind. This time is the time of daring, search, discovery and realization of the most courageous hopes and aspirations, the time of formation of a person.

In the Stavropol State Agrarian University we do our best, so that young people not only receive demanded in the labor market specialties, but also develop their creative and sporting talents, personal potential. Let each day of student youth be bright, saturated, useful to society and your personal growth.

The main wealth of the country is people. The success of the country is the success of millions of people, each of which contributes to its development. The main task of the Agricultural University is to help you become successful professionals, scientists, citizens of the country. SSAU wasn’t just worthy included into the hundred best universities in the country for the quality of education, we have saved and developed tradition of tolerance and friendly relations with each other - the stronger the mutual understanding of young Russians, the more powerful Russia is!

I sincerely wish you all a bright youth, confidence and focus on winning, good health and good luck in all things. The country needs a comprehensive development of specialists, ready and able to overcome any trial, to ensure the future of our multi-ethnic region and the whole country, to make Russia further strengthened and flourished!


Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,

Duma deputy of the Stavropol Territory,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory V. Trukhachev 

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