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The student of SSAU Veronika Serikova became the companion of Order "The best citizen of Russia" in sports nomination


“The best citizen of Russia" in the nomination «Young Athlete» the student of 3 course of economics department of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the gymnast Veronika Serikova became the companion of Order.

Having passed preliminary stages of the All-Russian tender on award of the National youth public award " Future of Russia", Veronika and 18 more participants from all Russia have reached the final which has taken place on June 25-26 in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

In total 598 applications from 67 regions of the country have been submitted for participation in tender, for participation in the final to Krasnoyarsk there have arrived 108 people. 64 applications have been submitted to the nominations "The Best Young Athlete". From them to the final 18 people - winners and prize-winners municipal, regional, the all-Russian and international sports competition ̆, participants of teams and sports clubs of any direction have been allowed.

The highest award - an honorary public title – the Companion of Order "Best young citizen of Russia" was received by four persons in the nominations: "The best young teacher", "The best young entrepreneur", "The best young athlete", "The best young social worker"

The final consisted of two tenders: the presentations "Sports heritage" – theoretical part and practical part – a master class by the form sport and demonstration performance of the contestant. Veronika with honor has coped with all tasks and has gained 82 points from 85 possible that has brought a victory. 

Дата новости для фото:  30.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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