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Grants of the President of Russia were got by young scientists of SSAU


The head of Control center of educational process, the associate professor of electrical equipment, automatic equipment and metrology department of electrical power faculty Vladimir Valeryevich Samoylenko and the associate professor of financial accounting department of accounting and financial faculty Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev have got grants of the President of the Russian Federation.

Certificates of winners of tender were handed by the chief of federal Stavropol Krai inspector Sergey Dmitriyevich Ushakov at the ceremony which has taken place in walls of the Stavropol state agrarian university. He has warmly congratulated young scientists.

The Rector of University, Professor, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachyov has reported that 2259 applications have been submitted for the grants of the President of the Russian Federation allocated according to the Decree "About Measures for Strengthening of the State Support of Young Russian Scientists — Candidates and Doctors of Science" this year, including - 65 requests of the Stavropol state agricultural university.

Only six young scientists from Stavropol Krai became winners of tender on the right of receipt of grants of the President of Russia. Two of them are representatives of SSAU.

"On the way to great research success of winners of this prestigious tender supported scientific community of our higher education institution. They were owners of the internal grants awarded by the Academic council of the Stavropol state agrarian university. By the way, we – unique among agrarian and southern higher education institutions of the country, awarding own grants. Besides, Vladimir Samoylenko and Alexey Bobryshev participated and won tenders of Charity Foundation of V. Potanin, Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the entities in the scientific and technical sphere according to the "Participant of Youth Scientific and Innovative Tender" program ("U.M.N.I.K."). Award of a grant of the Russian President – their natural victory. I wait for protection of the corresponding doctoral dissertations", - V. I. Trukhachev has emphasized.

"Grants of the Russian President allocate for two-year term for financing of expenses on carrying out basic and applied scientific researches. The size of a grant of the young scientist – the candidate of science constitutes 600 thousand rubles. We think that this money will give essential support in implementation of your fundamental scientific projects. Good luck and progress in work!", - the rector has finished an official part.

It has also adjusted audience where young scientists of higher education institution have gathered, on commercialization of scientific developments as it becomes around the world, allowing to raise the income of scientists considerably: "Open the small innovative enterprises, participate in grant programs, and we will help you. The university has huge potential, the number of specialists of different profiles on one platform is, in fact, a research and production cluster". At a meeting there was also an acting vice rector for scientific and innovative work of SSAU, associate professor Vitalyi Yurievich Morozov. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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