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The Stavropol SAU - the winner of the All-Russian tender "Student's Leaders"


The socially oriented project of students of the Stavropol SAU "Do Not Take Away from Yourself Tomorrow" became the winner in the nomination "The Best Project in the Sphere of Promoting of a Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Culture and Sport, Prevention of the Asocial Phenomena among Young People" of the X All-Russian tender in the sphere of development of bodies of student's self-government " Student's Leaders".

The victory of volunteers of university is the All-Russian recognition of successful performance of our higher education institution in the sphere of youth policy. The ceremony of rewarding of winners has taken place on June 23 in Moscow.

The diploma and memorable crystal sign have been handed to representatives of Agrarian university for system and effective work in the sphere of implementation of activities for prevention of the asocial phenomena and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The All-Russian tender in the sphere of development of bodies of student's self-government "the Student's Leaders" is a prestigious and global action, directed development of bodies of student's self-government, socially important initiatives of student's associations, structural divisions for educational work and administration of the educational organizations of the higher education of Russia. This year it has taken place already for the tenth time. At tender works from 507 organizations of the higher education of 78 regions of Russia have been provided - it is 1114 successfully realized projects and programs for all country.

Organizers of tender:

Recommendation of vice rectors for educational work of the educational organizations of the higher education of Russia, Moscow Student's Center, RGSU

with support:

● Governments of Moscow;

● Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

● Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.06.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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