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Teachers of the SSAU shared their innovative approaches with the colleagues from the Kuban State Agrarian University


Teachers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University held classes for the advanced training program "Modern innovative approaches to teaching accounting and finance disciplines."

Teachers of the Department of Accounting management, headed by the Dean of Faculty, head of the Department, professor E. I. Kostyukova shared their experience with colleagues from Kuban State Agrarian University. The teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University concerned the issues of public policy in modern education of Russia; the organization of educational process in the conditions of realization of the level of education and the Federal state educational standards of higher education; use of educational and information technologies in order to improve the quality of teaching accounting and finance disciplines in the conditions of introduction of educational standards. Considered the modern requirements, the specifics of implementation.

The training was organized by the Institute of additional professional education with involvement of the associate professors of the Department I. B. Manzhosova, A. N. Bobryshev, A. V. Elchaninova, the head of Department of financial accounting, associate professor N. I. Kulish, head of the Department of finance, credit and insurance, associate professor I. I. Glotova and S. G. Shmatko, head of the Department of financial management and banking, professor Sklyarova Yu. M., and associate professor Latysheva L. A.

The trainees received certificates of professional development. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.07.2016
Номер новости для фото:  13

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