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40 SSAU students are waiting for the result of the conveyor of youth projects of the forum “Mashuk 2016”


More than 100 people from Stavropol State Agrarian University participated in the All-Caucasian Youth Forum “Mashuk 2016”, which took place in Pyatigorsk from 5 to 19 August. Volunteers of art management and supervisors, and employees of the control group, the organizers and direct participants of the forum, which was held in two shifts, participated in the forum.

For the participants of the forum extensive educational program was prepared in which about 40 students of the University, who took part in youth projects conveyor, could modify their ideals on the forum. In defence of their project ideas Agricultural University students came out boldly, because most of them have experience of public defence at the school of student activists “SSAU growth trajectory”. Conveyor projects results will be known at the end of October.

Every day on the “Mashuk” was dedicated to one of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, and in the closing day of the change of a gala concert, which gathered on stage representatives of all republics of the district. In its organization also took part SSAU students.

This year, the forum was visited by important public figures - the head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Igor Barinov, the head of Rosmolodezh Sergei Pospelov, top officials of the Northern Caucasus.

Public figures actively worked on the “Mashuk”. This year, the forum users had a conversation with the executive secretary of the Presidential Council on Civil Society and Human Rights Lantratova Jana, chairman of the Moscow Caucasian club Shamil Jafarov. Participants were able to learn firsthand about the work of the project “For Fair Procurement” of the Russian Popular Front, on preparations for the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students, as well as the Winter Universiade-2019.

The ability to demonstrate civic engagement got all forum participants. Thus, during the first shift, many participants of “Mashuk” joined the action devoted to the 55th anniversary of sending the first man into space; and a letter of thanks was sent directly from the forum to the granddaughter of the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Ekaterina Karavaeva.

The second change participants were given the opportunity to participate in the development of donation - a presentation of the North Caucasus Resource Center for blood donation was held by its creator Temirzhan Baisiev. At the end of the event more than 30 participants enrolled in the volunteer movement.

At the forum the cultural elite of the country was seriously represented. With participants worked renowned actor, director of the Imperial Russian ballet Gediminas Taranda and renowned dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili, saturated meeting was held by Director of the Bolshoi Moscow Circus Edgard Zapashny, film and theater actor Gosha Kutsenko, actress Valeria Shkirando.

It should be noted that the film theme had on the “Mashuk-2016” special significance - the main precondition for this was the year of Russian movie. During the forum, participants were able to see two new Russian films – “The Box” and “Night Watch”, brought to the site directly by their creators. A detailed discussion on the development of “the most important of the arts” held with participants head of the studio "Lenfilm" Eduard Pichugin.

Already on the tradition the forum was actively attended by representatives of Russian KVN-movement, known and budding comedians, “Comedy Club” program residents. Participants are able to communicate directly with Alexander Revva, Semyon Slepakov, Alexei Lyaporov, Ilya Romanko, Sangadzhi Tarbaev. Deployed performing on stage of “Mashuk” was given a humorous duet from Dagestan “Yes” and the KVN team “Team of Great Moscow Circus”.

Yet the most emotional part of the “Mashuk” was meetings with Russian athletes, including the champions and winners of the Olympic Games over the years. With great enthusiasm forum met the legendary Soviet figure skater Irina Rodnina, kickboxer Batu Hasikov, Russian MMA fighter Julia Berezikova and world champion boxer Sofya Ochigava. From Stavropol to the site came the winner of the Olympic Games as part of the team of Russia in handball Igor Lavrov, and the Republic of North Ossetia sent to “Mashuk” a real landing of five Olympians - wrestlers Artur Taymazov, fencers, foil fencer Aida Shanaeva, Greco-Roman wrestler Hasan Baroev, as well as fighter Alan Khugaev and judo Tamerlane Tmenov.

Welcome guest of the Youth Forum has again become a multiple world champion in mixed martial arts, four-time world champion and nine-time champion of Russia in Combat Sambo Fedor Emelianenko.

The theme uniting expected performances of Russian athletes started taking place in these days of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and speculation around the Russian national team. The view of the guests and participants of the forum were unanimous: our athletes deserve strong support, and attempts at political manipulation of access to international competitions should receive adequate public resistance.

Active work on the forum this year was conducted by its partners. With participants met general director of PJSC “Rossetti” Oleg Budargin, deputy general director of FSUE “Pochta Russii” Sergey Timoshin, head of the Directorate for Relations with investors and project financing JSC “Resorts of the North Caucasus” Stepan Smitienko, executive director of the Media Association SKFO Razhap Musayev. Interesting presentation participants presented products of PJSC “Sberbank”, PJSC “Rostelecom” and Airport “Mineralnye Vody”.

Thanks to everyone who was with us these two weeks!

Thank to heads of delegations!

Thanks to the heads of the Youth agencies!

Thanks to the best youth of Agrarian University, Stavropol Territory and republics of North Caucasus Federal District!

Дата новости для фото:  23.08.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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