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Stavropol State Agrarian University is at the top of the Potanin rankings


Stavropol State Agrarian University is on honorable 31 line in ranking of Russian universities - participants of the Scholarship Program of Vladimir Potanin.

Vladimir Potanin Foundation September 6, 2016 presented the results of the annual survey conducted over the past 12 years and is recognized as one of the most respected independent quality assessments of teaching at Russian universities.

As the general director of the Foundation Oksana Oracheva explained to journalists, Rating universities is an aggregate score of students and teachers participation in competitions of Scholarship Program of Vladimir Potanin. Note that 75 universities from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok are involved in the program. And since the decision to participate in a competition people make on their own, the rating shows how strong the university creative environment is that encourages students and teachers to independent search for new solutions. This approach distinguishes this rating from other foreign and Russian studies.

The rating is based on criteria such as the number of teachers and students who participated in the competitions, the number of winners, the average score and other factors. The peculiarity of the Foundation rating is that leaders in various criteria are different. This allows you to identify the strengths of the work of a university.

Thus, Stavropol State Agrarian University is on 34 position up to 2016 and on the 31 place in the ranking on the basis of rising 2014-2016. (For comparison, the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev is on 69 line in 2016 and on 61 place in the rating generalized). In this case the total score of Stavropol State Agrarian University is 3.58 points and that of "Timiryazev" is 2.59.

For reference:

Rankings of higher education institutions according to Vladimir Potanin Foundation are published annually since 2004. It is at the end of the implementation of the Fund's educational programs for students and professors, and is calculated according to the method developed by Foundation experts.

The rating assesses the overall level of intelligence and erudition of university students; the degree of susceptibility of students to the new, pro-active attitude, a desire to grow - quality testifying to the high competitiveness of the graduates of the university; the level of attention to the teaching staff at the university. It should be noted that the civil and scientific activity of the students and teachers is continually encouraged by SSAU rector, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev who has reached a lot in life through his work (remember that Trukhachev V.I. - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, doctor of economic sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Territory, Stavropol hero of labor, honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory).

Since 2015, in addition to the basic rating, the rating is calculated as accruing, whose main task is to summarize the achievements of each university in the main rankings for several years. When compiling the rating takes into account the growing of the main rankings in three years.

The results of increasing rankings are one of the most important criteria for making a decision on exclusion of the University program. This approach avoids the University of hitting situation in the number of candidates to be excluded from the program due to accidental lowering activity and effectiveness of participation within one year. 

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