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Column of Stavropol State Agrarian University opened the parade of students of Stavropol

Column of Stavropol State Agrarian University opened the parade of students of Stavropol

Stavropol State Agrarian University headed the column of 8000 students formed by 23 higher and secondary vocational education institutions and paraded for the first time on the main square of Stavropol today, September 10. Colorful column on Lenin Square with flags and banners of high schools and colleges, balloons was closed by 1,000 participants of the bike ride.

Parade of Russian students joined 30 largest student cities in the country. Teleconference demonstrated how many young, ambitious, aimed at the creation boys and girls there are in our country, how great our country is.

Parade participants were welcomed by the Governor of Stavropol Vladimir Vladimirov, who noted that the national flag of Belarus was carried in the column. The head of Stavropol thanked high school freshmen for their civic stance: "Let us support Belarus, which deprive Paralympians today to participate in the competition only for the fact that they supported the Russian team, expanding our tricolor at the opening of the Paralympic Summer Games in Brazil."

"There are 8000 of you on this square, about 170 thousand in the Stavropol region, and 10 million in the Russian Federation. You are the most active, seeking to develop and you are needed by our country. Be friends with each other and respect your parents - people who have invested in you all. Let this be the first foundation of your success ", - the governor appealed to the students.

"Take care of student friendships, be patriots of the city, region, Russia. Stavropol is all yours this week, you are being waited for by cinemas, libraries, gyms and playgrounds, bicycle paths "- recalled the head of the city administration Andrei Dzhatdoev about the upcoming week of festive events dedicated to the Day of the city and the region that Stavropol region will celebrate next Saturday. He went on stage in sportswear, because arrived at the square with bikers.

Participants of the parade, region administration and Rectors were welcomed by SSAU Rector, Professor, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of universities and colleges of Stavropol Territory, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the deputy of regional Duma, honorary citizen of Stavropol Territory and Hero of Labor of Stavropol Vladimir Trukhachev. "We are proud that the best young people of Stavropol are enrolled in higher and secondary educational establishments to obtain the desired profession. You must be central to our beautiful city and the province. That is how it should be. There comes your time, the time of inquisitive, creative, enthusiastic and very thoughtful guys. I advise everyone to study foreign languages. It is now imperative. Today, we can clearly see the socio-economic transformation, achieved thanks to the politics of the governor. I wish you the strength of spirit, always be young, beautiful, able to love and kiss beautifully, as it should be! "- Vladimir wished the students.

"Today for the first time Stavropol participates in All-Russian parade of students, and at any moment will turn into a large roll of student centers. Head of the region confirmed that Stavropol region will try every year to participate in this festival, "- said, in turn, rector of SKFU Alina Levitskaia. She wished the yesterday applicants at the dedication of the freshmen to feel in heart that they are infused into the squad of many thousands of Russian students.

Thousands of voices choired the oath of freshman.

Hundreds of white, red, blue and yellow - the color of the flag of Stavropol Territory - balloons soared above the square.

Fine day continued with a concert. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.09.2016
Номер новости для фото:  1

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