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Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Financial SSAU learn the history of the Ministry of Finance


Students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance learned the history of the development of financial institutions, the Ministry of Finance of Stavropol Territory.

Future specialists had the opportunity to see rare historical documents and experience the atmosphere of the financial relations of the XIX century. The museum preserves many rare specimens of securities and historical documents.

The archival collection contains information that Caucasian Treasury Chamber was opened on March 12 (old style), 1804 in the provincial city of Georgievsk in the composition of the vice-governor, councilor, provincial assessor and treasurer. It takes a lot of financial and economic and administrative affairs, including a charge of tax-paying business, oversaw the tax revenues, financial control and controlled the various sources of income.

During the tour, organized by teachers of the department "Finance, credit and insurance", the students were shown a documentary prepared by the specialists of the Ministry of Finance, the development of finance institution in the Stavropol region.

Дата новости для фото:  12.09.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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