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Novice entrepreneurs can get help in business scale and attract investment for the development


On the 22th of September in Stavropol will be a presentation of the largest Russian and Eastern European startup accelerator GenerationS , which is held by Russian Venture Company (RVC), and one of his tracks - AgroBioTech & Food. The event will be open to all residents of the region who are interested in science and new technologies, as well as looking for opportunities to start and develop their own business. Presentation GenerationS will bring together representatives of regional authorities, venture capital infrastructure, large and medium-sized companies and start-up entrepreneurs.

Track AgroBioTech & Food combine projects for improving the efficiency of agriculture, the creation of "new food", processing raw materials of biotechnology to create new products and ingredients, modern plant breeding, precision farming, production and delivery of personalized food.

At the presentation of the track startups from Stavropol will be able to get information about the possibilities of an accelerator for business development programs of the partner track biocluster Fund "Skolkovo" and directions of innovation policy of the group of companies "EFKO" - the industrial partner of the track and a potential corporate customer representative graduate GenerationS-2014 -. Biotech company "NanoServ" - tells about the history of the company's success: how to start due to the accelerator became an exporter of innovative products.

During the event, the best teams from the region will hold a presentation of its full-time and development projects within the framework of the pitch session.

The event will be held at the site of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - one of the oldest universities in the south of Russia, Russia's leading center for education, science and culture, carrying out training, research and consulting and methodical activity.

Projects on track AgroBioTech & Foodprinimayutsya in the following areas: the development of biotechnologies convert agricultural waste, fat and dairy industries into valuable products; the development of biotechnology synthesis of food ingredients and additives; the production of biological products for the livestock and crop production; rapid tests for microbiological analysis of raw materials, intermediates and finished products in the production; solutions in the field of personalized production and delivery of food; effective technologies of organic farming, technologies and solutions in the field of precision agriculture, genomics of agricultural plants and animals, technology, automation and robotics technological processes in agriculture and the use of alternative sources of protein in the agriculture and food industry.

The attractive part in the accelerator for such projects. Apart from material prizes (investment grants and subsidies for the development and scaling), the accelerator provides a unique opportunity to gain knowledge and experience. So, participants will meet with leading Russian and international business and scientific and technological experts who will present their views on the development direction AgroBioTech & Food and the promotion of new developments in the Russian and world markets, and will also receive the necessary competence for the development of their projects, communication with partners, certificates for consulting services and to participate in seminars on the basis of one of the best training centers - School of management "Biryuch" (GK "EFKO"), the use of material and technical base of the Innovation center "Biryuch» (R & D GC "EFKO 'center) for the study the individual phases of the project and analyze the characteristics of their innovative products. In the future they will be able to participate in the largest international exhibition of agro-technologies "YUGAGRO" (Russia) and "Green Week" (Germany) and will be able to turn your project into a roadmap FoodNet market National Technology Initiative.

Presentation Time: September 22, 2016 (Thu), 15:00 - 19:00.

Place of presentation: Stavropol, Stavropol, Zootechnical lane, 12 (VPO "Stavropol State Agrarian University").

Admission is free, registration is available at: https://generation-startup.timepad.ru/event/370354/.

The regional tour of projects in GenerationS collection takes place in 30 cities of Russia. Applications from employers will be accepted until October 15 GenerationS site: http://generation-startup.ru/register/.

About GenerationS

Generations - the largest accelerator technology projects in Russia and Eastern Europe and the first federal platform for the creation and development of corporate acceleration tools. Held RVC 2013.

In GenerationS partner network includes more than 250 government organizations and commercial companies. GenerationS-2016 prize fund will amount to 15 million rubles., The total value of prizes from partners exceed 100 million rubles.

Among GenerationS partners - the largest Russian companies, leaders in their industry: Moscow Exchange, GC "Morton" and "Russian technical society" through QIWI, Biopharmaceutical Cluster "Northern", JSC "Krastsvetmet", "ALROSA", SC "EFKO" company "Cher Oston", JSC "Irkutsk Electric Grid company", PJSC "NPO" Saturn ", Bank VTB 24, FG BCS and Raiffeisenbank. corporate staff will be directly involved in the selection, expertise and accelerated startups participating GenerationS.

Partner Development Fund to promote innovation will provide the best projects GenerationS grants under the clever and START programs. As partners to GenerationS-2016 also joined the Open University Skolkovo (Otus), Production company Amedia, "ALROSA", PJSC "Rostelecom".

About RVC

JSC "RVC" - a state fund of funds, the institution of the Russian Federation, one of the key tools in building its own national innovation system. The authorized capital of JSC "RVC" is more than 30 billion rubles. 100% of the capital belongs to the RVC of the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for Management of State Property of the Russian Federation (Federal Property Management Agency). Total funds generated JSC "RVC", has reached 21, the total size - 32.3 billion rubles. The share of JSC "RVC" - 19.9 billion rubles. The number of approved investment fund MERs innovative companies reached 195. The total volume of approved investment funds - 18.3 billion rubles.

In 2015 JSC "RVC" tasked with creating a project office of the National Technology Initiative (STI) - a long-term strategy of technological development of the country, aimed at the formation of new global markets by 2035.

Contacts for media accreditation:

E-mail: vg@bo-om.ru

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