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Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev won the election to the State Duma of the sixth convocation of the Stavropol region


On the 18th of September at the election to the State Duma of the sixth convocation of the Stavropol region (the single member electoral district number 18, which includes Petrrovsky and Grachyovsky municipal districts), won our rector, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, an honorary citizen of Stavropol region V. I.Truhachev, voted for 64 percent of the number who took part at the elections.

Such a result is evidence of popular support and recognition of residents of these districts V.I. Trukhachev over the last five years as a single-mandate deputy. They again have entrusted him to represent and defend their interests in the regional parliament until 2021.

The residents of Petrovsky and Grachyovsky districts, Stavropol region have voted for continuity of parliamentary activities, the continuation of initiated VI Tkachev projects and future major new business, which should contribute to further social and economic development of the territories, improving the quality of life of countrymen.

Dear Vladimir Ivanovich!

Collective body of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, students and Ph.D. students warmly congratulate you on your well-deserved election win!

You ran for a seat on municipal council (the single member electoral district number 18) and won as a deputy, representing the interests of residents of Petrrovsky and Grachyovsky municipal districts in the regional Duma of the fifth convocation. On many election meetings in the workforce and in the community, you have something to say to people, what to report, what future plans to share.

People give credence to you their hopes and worries again, because you are their member of parliament, always fulfill promises, above all things put the care of veterans and working people, wholly devote oneself to the great cause of young people’s education. You have prepared personnel for the key industry of our region, brought our university to the world level, having achieved its high international recognition.

We heartily glad that the electorate has voted for our new Rector, the best Rector of the best agricultural universities in the country!

We wish you, Vladimir Ivanovich, the successful implementation of plans, even greater triumphs and achievements, worthy and reliable companions. Remain as you are, full of energy, plans, ideas, a man with a large and restless heart. We wish you good health, strength and patience, unquenchable optimism and wins! 

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