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Innovative development of young scientists to the development of agro-industrial complex


SSAU Graduate students presented the best papers at the international conference

22-23 September 2016 on the basis of FSBSU "All-Russian Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding", which works closely to our university, V International Conference "Innovative development of young scientists to the development of agro-industrial complex."

Its main goal is the creation and development of regional networks of objects of innovative structures in the field of agribusiness biotechnology, biotech clusters formation, the creation of technology scaling centers, pilot and pilot-scale production for large-scale release of biological products.

The event was attended by leaders and agribusiness administration experts, representatives of peasant (farmer) farms, agricultural cooperatives, scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and representatives of agribusiness.

Geography of conference was extensive - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Ingushetia, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Republic of Crimea, Vologda region, Voronezh, Krasnodar region, St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow area, the Stavropol Territory.

Of course, reputable professors and beginning researchers of SSAU, shared at such a representative forum. Graduate students and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management actively participated in the discussions, but also distinguished as winners and prize-winners in the nomination "Contest of reports."

So, the 1st place was taken by Anastasia Kanibolotsky with the report "Development and study of a method for targeted delivery of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of infectious pathologies" overbarrier "bodies". Second place was taken by Dmitry Zinchenko, with a report "The impact of age on the parent stock broiler chickens immune organs."

It should be emphasized that projects of young scientists evaluated the tender committee, on a specially designed scale. The commission includes representatives of science, education and business. Among the experts were Professor of the Stavropol State Agrarian University: Academician V. A. Moroz, H. E. Epimahova and O. V. Sycheva. According to committee members, graduate students of the Agrarian University are very adequately presented the results of their research works and innovative developments, causing the greatest interest among the professional Russian and CIS community. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.09.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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