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"The award is not for the sake of reward. We vindicated Russia!"


Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V. I. Trukhachev on October, 3 held a press conference with mass media representatives.

In connection with the victory of the Stavropol SAU in the prestigious competition "Award for excellence 2016" (EFQM Excellence Award – 2016) the European Foundation for quality management, rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev met with journalists, shared with them good news about high achievement for the University and answered their questions.

Representatives of TV channels GTRK "Stavropol", STV, ATV, newspaper "Gubernskie Vedomosti" and other learned from the rector, details of the gala reception on September 29, 2016 in Milan (Italy) in honor of the award EFQM in the field of quality.

Reporters asked, how long did Agricultural University try to get such a unique international status – three times winner of the Prize EFQM, how hard was the selection process and what was the competition among its participants.

30 000 organisations in Europe use the EFQM Excellence Model. In 2016, the European jury has allocated only 15 companies that reached the finals of the EFQM Excellence Award. Among them, only organization of Russia – Stavropol state agrarian University. The other 7 Russian organizations, unfortunately, in the finals of the competition have not passed, – told V. I. Trukhachev.

The winner was the Spanish organization – administration of the city of Alcobendas. The winners of the Prize – Stavropol state agrarian University with the maximum number of points and еще7 companies-"heavyweights". Among them: Robert Bosch (Germany) – manufacturer of electronic control systems; the largest in Scotland College Glasgow; airport Leon (France); GCEurope (Belgium) – a network of dealerships dental products, etc. the Status of the Finalist received 6 organizations.

Since the activity of the Stavropol agrarian University was awarded in the nomination "organizational capacity Development", Vladimir Ivanovich explained its meaning:

– To receive the award in this nomination is very difficult. It is awarded only to those organizations that are in the format of role models of Excellence are a benchmark for others to follow. And not only in his country but in the world as a whole.

From the head of the Stavropol agricultural University journalists learned about the European Foundation for quality management, whose founders were such global brands as BMW, Volkswagen, Siemens, Philips, Bosch, Electrolux, Nestle, Fiat, etc., and the criteria of the contest, established by the EFQM, and does win it any special privileges.

During the dialogue, Mr Yakunin has repeatedly stressed that all the achievements and victories in the field of quality (and in the rhythm of the Perfection of the Stavropol GAU has been living for 20 years), is a United work the 20-strong team, which rose high above stereotypes and, in fact, triumphed in Europe.

The main emphasis, which made V. I. Trukhachev in conversation with the press: "a Grand victory in European competition – a contribution to sustainable development not only of our agricultural University, the Stavropol territory and Russia as a whole! After all, what expert today we will release the labor market, tomorrow will depend on socio-economic, environmental well-being of our children and grandchildren." 

Дата новости для фото:  03.10.2016 08:10:39
Номер новости для фото:  3

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