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Academician, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honorary Citizen of Stavropol Territory V.A. Moroz is 79 years old


The only one in Russia, the country's most titled sheep breeder - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of private animal husbandry, selection and animal breeding of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Moroz today turned 79 years old.
Dear Vasily Andreyevich! I warmly congratulate you on your birthday!

All your life is an example of selfless service to the cause! Thanks to the huge contribution to the establishment of breeding work in fine-wool sheep of Russia your name is well known not only to the Russian scientists and practitioners, but also the entire scientific world community. For your truly titanic work in the field of sheep breeding you have received the status of the most authoritative scholar in this field!

Developed by you breeding methods using Australian sheep and breeding animals of Manychskaya sheep breed are widely used by scientists and practitioners in different regions of the country to create new types and herds, improve breeding and productive qualities of the domestic fine-wool sheep breeds, including the creation of new breeds. You're the soul of the present and future of the industry, its dynamic development, contributing to the revival and prosperity of our Russia, thus manifesting competence, focus, and high commitment.

University staff treats you with great respect because apart from outstanding professional qualities and the highest professional competence you have incredible appeal, powerful charisma and unique personal charm. Your respect for others - colleagues, students and strangers, your subtle humor, radiant smile conquered all of us!

Please accept my sincere wishes of good health, success, inexhaustible energy, well-being! Let life experience and wisdom help you to succeed, fulfill all your desires and aspirations, continue all the good things in life, and multiply wonderful moments of joy and optimism!

Yours faithfully,
Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor,
Duma deputy of Stavropol Territory,
Hero of Labor of Stavropol,
Honorary citizen of Stavropol Region

V.I. Trukhachev

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