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Stavropol State Agrarian University is the locomotive of innovation


The regional stage of the All-Russian championship in the business game "Iron entrepreneur" held October 11 at the Agrarian University continued IV regional "Innovation Week - 2016".

From October 10, the region launched the traditional Innovation Week -2016 on which enterprises and organizations of Stavropol show their achievements in innovation. As part of such an important annual regional forum in Stavropol and in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region until 14 October there will be held strategic sessions, conferences, exhibitions and an extensive educational program, which in their totality will show how much scientific and technological potential of our region has changed over the year. Representatives of government, science and the federal and regional businesses will discuss mechanisms to promote scientific and technological progress and innovation.

Note that in the discussion of one of the subjects of the plenary session held on the first day of the Week "High schools are the locomotive of innovation" in the panel discussion "Modern technologies in agriculture" as well as in the exhibition of innovative projects took part the pro-rector V. Yu Morozov who is in charge of research and innovation work in SSAU and other scientists-teachers of the university.

Second Day of the Week, 11 October, was marked inter alia by the holding on the basis of the Agrarian University of the regional stage of the All-Russian championship in the business game "Iron entrepreneur" organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol Territory and the business incubator SRU "Higher School of Economics" (Moscow).

Before starting the game words of welcome were addressed to its participants by the Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation V. Yu Morozov who introduced the moderator Artem Kritsyn, manager for regional development of the business incubator SRU "Higher School of Economics."

The game in which students of universities of Stavropol Territory competed was judged by associate professor of the department "Economic theory and economics of agriculture" of SSAU Rybasova Yu.V., assistant professor of the department "Business and the global economy" of SSAU N.V. Eremenko and Project Manager of Case-room "GRANI" Alexandrina Klyus who heads the Center of employment of graduates and career planning of students of the NCFU.

In the course of the business game expert of the foundation of development of Internet initiatives (FDII) from Moscow Anna Moiseeva told the students about the business model which should be used to open one’s own business. Next, on the basis of innovative technology, each of the 8 student teams, formed on the principle of multi-functionality of the youth of Stavropol State Agrarian University and NCFU, developed several business ideas and selected the most promising. Then, a presentation of the business idea was prepared and the guys assessed the amount of intended market, defined target audience and methods of promotion of the new product.

The proposed projects surprised with their diversity - from a special device for a combine harvester in order to preserve the grain structure and its sorting to re-created reality for people with disabilities.

After the three-minute presentation the jury had the right to ask the team two questions, but in fact the desire of judges to learn more about the essence of the idea turned out to be much stronger. Questions poured in abundance. The evaluation criteria were originality, relevance, feasibility of the idea, the course of teamwork, the ability to commercialize, self presentation and responses to the questions of the jury.

The very format of the business game which involved a lot of intriguing moments came to taste many of its participants and it is prestigious to win. A great prize is already waiting for the winners of the final game of the Championship. What will it be? Still a secret. Last year it was an educational trip to Singapore. And this regional stage was won by two teams - the Faculty of Farm Mechanization of Stavropol State Agrarian University and the North Caucasus Federal University.

The experts will decide which of these participants as members of the national team will go in February 2017 to the capital to compete in the finals for the title of the winner of the All-Russian business game "Iron entrepreneur". Good luck to the team of Stavropol Territory!

Дата новости для фото:  12.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  12

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