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Unified workshop "1 C" in Stavropol Agrarian University - Education support


The Department of Economic Analysis and Audit of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance together with the strategic partner “Portal-South Stavropol” Ltd on October 12 organized a workshop "1C" for accountants and managers of commercial organizations.

The seminar which program included performances of professionals of the department of technology adoption 1C was opened by the Director of "Portal-South Stavropol" Dmitry Gusev.

An active part in the event was taken by over 80 invited experts as well as teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University and 4th year students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

Traditionally, the seminar which is held in SSAU three times a year was attended by experts - leading specialists of the department of work with taxpayers of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service № 12 for Stavropol Territory as well as the department of interaction with insurers of the Russian Pension Fund Department for the city of Stavropol.

In the opinion of the Agrarian University professors, annual participation of students in the Unified seminar "1C" broadens their horizons and helps to improve the training level. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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