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Stavropol State Agrarian University claimed participation in the X Anniversary of the International Olympiad in information technology “IT-Planet 2016/17”


Competitions to identify and support talented and practically trained students and young specialists of IT-sphere started - join us!

Participation in the competition “IT-Planet” is a chance to prove oneself in the field of information technology. For many winners it is an opportunity to pass practical training in leading companies and find a job, to implement their skills and knowledge, to communicate with highly skilled professionals, share experiences, be included in a database of promising and talented IT professionals, receive diplomas, medals and prizes from partners of the IT competition.

The International Olympiad “IT-Planet” is open to students and graduates (depending on the terms of a specific competition) from all over the world.

Moderator from our Agrarian University is Ph.D., associate professor of the department "Information Systems" of the Faculty of Economics Valery E. Rachkov. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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