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The winners of the contest "BayStadi" will receive a monthly scholarship from JSC "Bayer"

The winners of the contest "BayStadi" will receive a monthly scholarship from JSC "Bayer"

Students of the Faculty of agrobiology and land resources Elena Tsygankova and the Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture Ekaterina Penkina are among the 12 winners of the VI Inter-regional competition of scientific works "BayStadi - 2016".

The organizer of the competition for young farmers of Russia was one of the world's innovation leaders in the development and production of plant protection chemicals and biotechnology "Bayer CropScience» with the support of the Russian Union of rural youth.

Note that in the "Baystadi - 2016" participated bachelors, masters and PhD students from 30 Russian institutions of higher education, not only agricultural, but also engineering, and even research universities.

Subjects of topical research, which were proposed for the competition by the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University are: "Fusarium jaundice - a new economic importance of the sugar beet disease" (E. Tsygankova, 3 year of study, faculty of agrobiology and land resources; supervisor - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A.P. Shutko) and "Technology of producing the plant growth regulator based on whey using electrochemically activated water "(E. Penkina, 4 year of study, faculty of agrobiology and land resources; supervisor - candidate of technical sciences E.V. Pashkova).

The defense of scientific works was held on the base of the office of JSC "Bayer" in Moscow. And though our contestants worried it passed in a very friendly atmosphere. According to the students, each expert with his questions and valuable suggestions made a definite contribution to the further development of their chosen research topic.

In general, a competent jury highly appreciated the level of the works noting positive trends. The finals were reached by Stavropol, Kuban, Oryol, Omsk, Saratov, Altai State Agrarian Universities, Moscow agricultural academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy and the Chechen State University. The winners were awarded diplomas and memorable souvenirs and they will also receive a monthly scholarship from JSC "Bayer" in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

"Thank you, "Bayer" for the fact that thanks to the competition we have one more additional chance to realize their potential in science" - said our students-winners, who we heartily congratulate.

Дата новости для фото:  14.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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