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Participate and win!


Charitable Fund of Vladimir Potanin announced the reception of applications for participation in the scholarship and grant competitions.

To learn how to become a member of new and traditional designs known of the Foundation, which is successfully implementing large-scale programs in the field of education and culture, promotes the formation of active, creative professionals, students, undergraduates and teachers of Stavropol State Agrarian University told a leading specialist of the Fund Elena Kadenkova.

You should know the following information:

Attention! The competition is open to full-time students from 75 universities in Russia, studying at the master's programs. After two rounds 500 winners are determined, starting from the 2nd semester of the academic year and up to the end of the Masters Course will receive a scholarship of Vladimir Potanin in the amount of 15 thousand rubles per month.

Fellows also receive the right to participate in the School Fund, they need to present a socially significant project and win a grant for its implementation.

If you decided to participate in the scholarship contest, fill in an application on the home page fondpotanin.ru. Acceptance of the applications will be until 20 November 2016.

Attention! Teachers Master's programs - academic and scientific leaders, teachers of certain subjects, special courses and seminars (including pluralists) can take part in the grant competition. 100 winners will be determined. The grant can be up to 500 thousand rubles.

Winners of grant competition can take part in the School Fund and form together with the students of a single team for the realization of socially significant projects.

If you wish to participate in the grant competition in graduate schools for teachers, you must fill out an application on the main page of the site fondpotanin.ru. Acceptance of the applications will be until 11 December 2016.

Take your chance to get a scholarship or grant! There is still time to make be known and to maintain a high rating of Agrarian University - constant participant of competitions of the Foundation of Vladimir Potanin.

For reference:

Stavropol State Agrarian University - on the honorable 31-th row of increasing rankings (based on 2014-2016), Russian universities - participants of the Scholarship Program of Vladimir Potanin.

For comparison, RGAU-ICCA Timiryazev - 61 place of the rating. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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