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"Six daring" farmers are among 105 grant-holders of "Mashuk - 2016"


Forums, where the intellectual elite of Russia's future gets together, the organization which meets current trends in youth policy, has long been interested in the students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. In their view, the presentation of the most unexpected and sometimes even incredible, but very socially significant projects of students, meetings with well-known, charismatic people, new friends ... This atmosphere of large-scale discussion platforms inspires ideas, motivates personal growth, and energizes to reach new heights.

Our students participated in the forums almost throughout Russia. From 27 June to 16 August they worked as curators, volunteers worked at the "Territory of meanings on the Klyazma", "Tavrida", "Eurasia", "BaltArtek" and, of course, "Mashuk".

More than 100 people from Stavropol State Agrarian University attended the forum, which was held in Pyatigorsk – 5 to 19 August. Volunteers, art management, supervisors, employees of the control group, the organizers and direct participants of the forum, which was held in two shifts. Students of SSAU successfully coped with all the duties and responsibilities manifest themselves in the pipeline of youth projects. As always, an extensive educational program in which about 40 agrarian students could finalize their projects almost to the ideal already at the forum.

As a result, among the winners there are students and even graduates from SSAU, because continuity and leadership – the distinctive features of our university community. Thus, the names of the new grant-holders "Mashuk":

- the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization - Andrei Panasenko and Polenin Alexander were awarded a grant from the "Biotech" project (nomination "Scientific and Technical Creativity");

- the Faculty of Economics - Brykalov Anton scored his patriotic project "How to start a Homeland" (nomination "Cultural Tourism");

- the Faculty of Economics - Shabanov Roman received the support of an already on-going project "Tomorrow is Saturday" (nominated for "Citizen journalism");

- the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization - Kustarnikov Ivan won in the category "Youth business" by presenting innovative centre «VR-LAB» virtual reality;

- the Faculty of Accounting and Finance - Natalia Kuzina had an opportunity production of souvenirs for a museum and tourist centre of Nekrasov Cossacks (nominated for" Contemporary Art and Culture ").

We congratulate our students-winners who are out to fulfil their dreams, and grants of 300-400 thousand roubles will help them. We would also like to emphasize that the "six brave" young farmers from SSAU presented their work to the experts, and representatives of the North Caucasian Federal professionals including 812 projects (including 738 - from individuals and 74 - by legal body). In the analysis of these works the jury took into account criteria such as: relevance, creativity, efficiency, professionalism, focus, scale and publicity. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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