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Share experience with Europe


European colleagues and head of the department of general and reclamation land use of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land resources Olga Ivanovna Vlasova went to "Kumskaya Poultry".

Jean-Pierre Clément, Head of Soil Protection of the Federal Office for the Environment, a member of the Swiss Society of Soil Science and Elizabeth Clement Arnold, Consultant, Department for the protection of agricultural lands of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, visited the village of Novozavedennoe. Here there is one of the largest enterprises of Stavropol Territory - "Kumskaya Poultry" - growing hens, successfully engaged in crop production also. Swiss colleagues chief agronomist Roman Ivanovich Dolgov told about the features of technologies of cultivation of field and forage crops, development of the egg in the poultry sector.

Reference: collective agricultural "Kumskaya Poultry" for productive activities selected two areas - industrial poultry farming and crop production. The farm has organic fertilizers; they annually make a basic processing of arable land. Mineral fertilizers are applied at sowing and as top dressing. But the use of herbicides is completely abandoned, because almost all of the food crops are produced. To receive a complete chicken feed they cultivate winter wheat, barley, oats, peas, corn, soy, sunflower. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.10.2016 08:35:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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