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The departmental target program "Increase of qualification of engineering and technical personnel in the years 2015-2016" executed


17 completed their training in the engineering and technical services of the six agro Stavropol Territory for more professional program "Technical and technological modernization of agricultural production to ensure energy efficiency and resource conservation."

Training practitioners are engineers, engineers of manual machines and tractors, mechanical engineer, was held at the base and with the organizational assistance of the Institute of additional professional education SSAU.

During the training, in addition to lectures at the Agricultural University, for students it was organized by a visiting session in SEC farm-breeding plant "Kazminsky" (on "Alternative fuels, energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of their use"). Participants exchanged their training experience, got acquainted with innovative methods of improving the processing properties, and enhance the reliability of the working bodies of agricultural machines.

Congratulations were from the first Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Territory Sergey Ridnyi, director of the Institute of additional professional education Stavropol SAU Olga Lisova and program manager, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Anatoly T. Lebedev. Presenting a certificate of advanced training, they turned to the practical engineer with warm words and best wishes in their future professional activity.

Now students training program "Technical and technological modernization of agricultural production to ensure energy efficiency and resource conservation" have to undergo training. It will last from 7 to 11 November 2016 on the basis of the two institutions partners SSAU - "North Caucasus Research Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture" (Zernograd) and "Scientific and Practical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on mechanization of agriculture "(Minsk). 

Дата новости для фото:  20.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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