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Professional standards - a real resource increase knowledge of current and future farmers


In the «open mike», in the framework of recruitment forum - 2016, took place one of the round tables «The new role of additional vocational education institutions in the transition to the professional requirements of the standards».

Within a half hour the audience under the direction of a moderator - Deputy Director of the Institute of additional professional education at the Stavropol State Agrarian University Associate Professor A.V. Pankratov figured out how to adapt the education system to the introduction of professional standards, the actual use of the mechanism of their implementation in order to improve the educational process.

Participants showed great interest the debate initiated by the faculty of the Agrarian University.

So, Professor of Private animal husbandry, breeding and breeding animals of the Stavropol State Agrarian University E.E. Epimahova, convinced of the feasibility of the introduction of professional standards, shared her own experience of teaching work in this direction in the example of employment with students of the Faculty of Technology Management. «This is undoubtedly the future motivates farmers to obtain more knowledge, including mastering professional terminology - sure Elena Edugartovna. - In addition, the introduction of professional standards has become a prerequisite for cost-effective production activities of both farms – large and small farms. The current level of logistics development of agriculture requires constant updating of knowledge and skills and the ordinary staff, and more qualified professionals». Therefore, in addition to training courses, we have become relevant and technological training in the field - in the farms of different ownership forms.

Professor E.E. Epimahova recalled that in 2013-2015 teachers of the faculty participated in the development of professional standards, as «breeder», « aviculturist », «operator of machine milking», «operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms», «handler hides», «beekeeper», «breeder purebred breeding», and currently finalizing standards «purebred breeding» and «farmer».

On what opportunities for self-improvement of teachers reveals the professional standard «teacher» and the effect of ongoing Department of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of the Stavropol State Agrarian University programs of additional education, said Professor S.I. Tarasova. How high in practice proved satisfaction of teachers - these programs participants expressed satisfaction with the leaders Praskoveisky Agricultural College and Alexandrovsky Agricultural College.

His vision for the introduction of professional standards, «human resource management», «farmer» and «agro-tourism specialist» presented lecturers S.V. Lyovushkin (Department of management), D.I. Gritsay (Department of « machinery and technologies of agro-industrial complex »), Y. М.. Elfimova (Department of tourism and service), emphasized the complexity of their personalization, as well as the need for public examination of all proposed additional education programs, in order not to give a chance for the growth of unfair competition. After all only professionally trained staff is a key resource efficient and competitive economy, and the skill level will largely determine the level of post-industrial development of our country in the twenty-first century. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.10.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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